Cyber Security Services

Secure Your Business With Cybersecurity

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With Fteb Tech, You Can Secure Your Business To Reach Its Full Potential.

Cyber Security Company in Dubai, UAE

FTEB TECH is a solutions and integrated service management organization that provides complete and standardized life cycle services for the entire Cloud & ICT Solutions portfolio. With an established global delivery standard, our strategic solutions and service delivery standards are designed to reach improved levels of productivity, efficiency, dependability, and cyber security. FTEB TECH was founded in the year 2012. Our business headquarters opened in Dubai, UAE in 2012.

Other Services

Cloud Migration

With our cloud migration business solution, you can transform your company into an agile and scalable firm.

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Cloud Management Service

We manage cloud operations that are in sync with your company's needs.

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Infra Setup Management

The best way to expand your business is with cloud infrastructure.

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Disater Recovery

A quick and flexible data recovery system saves thousands of dollars and will also save your business.

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With FTEB Tech, You Can Help Your Business Reach Its Full Potential With Our Cyber Security Services

By managing and automating the replication of Azure VMs between regions, on-premises virtual machines and physical servers to Azure, and on-premises computers to a secondary datacentre, Site Recovery adds to your business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) plan.

Mail security refers to the methods and strategies used to safeguard email accounts, content, and communication from unwanted access, loss, or compromise. Cloud Email security solutions are safe email systems that are used to avoid phishing schemes that fool users into disclosing sensitive information.

Endpoint security is a method of securing or safeguarding end-user device endpoints. Desktops, laptops, and mobile devices are examples of end-user devices. Endpoint security solutions guard against cybersecurity threats on a network or in the cloud. Endpoint security seeks to ensure that such devices adhere to a specific level of standard compliance.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all businesses. Companies that collect data on European Union (EU) people must follow stringent data protection regulations. GDPR presents us with a significant challenge in balancing data democracy and data protection.

Traditional defenses, such as firewalls and endpoint anti-virus software, are no longer effective against attackers. The procedure of dealing with malware must adapt swiftly. Detecting targeted, persistent malware attacks is a more difficult problem than a single point-in-time solution or product can adequately address. Advanced malware threats continue to affect enterprises in every industry, from phishing and spear-phishing to ransomware, email spoofing, and impersonation attack campaigns.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) ensures that digital users are whom they say they are by requiring two or more verification factors to obtain access to a resource such as an application, online account, or a VPN. MFA necessitates the use of one or more additional verification elements, lowering the risk of a successful cyber-attack.

Ransomware is malicious software that infects your computer and shows messages demanding payment for your system to function properly again. Users are shown how to pay a charge to obtain the decryption key. You will be offered a short period to pay the ransom or risk losing your data permanently. Organizations are appealing targets because they appear to be more likely to pay a ransom promptly. You may take various defensive measures to protect yourself from ransomware assaults. Ransomware may strike from anywhere. You must arm your firm with ransomware defenses immediately before you become a victim of one of the deadliest IT.

Cloud Services Bring New Cybersecurity Issues for Companies

Yes, cloud services can provide scalability and flexibility to companies. However, they also have additional security risks based on authentication, storage, and access to confidential data. So, a company first needs to understand the security elements of cloud solutions while evaluating cloud computing. It should also comprehend different deployment models such as hybrid, private, public, and community. Seek more advice related to cyber security services Dubai from our consulting team. Our consultants can provide the right guidance in that regard.

Find an Efficient Cyber Security Company

As a seasoned consultant in cyber security services, we can boast a well-rounded security stack and offer direct evidence, demonstrating the right steps to assist businesses in staying safe against nefarious security risks. Choose the services from our consultancy because of the following:

  • Our service provider understands the type of security service you need at the current moment
  • We have expertise and experience in delivering the best managing and monitoring services
  • Our service providers take compliance seriously and also have risk management expertise
FTEB TECH- With A Unique Approach

As a cyber security service provider in Dubai & UAE, we have several companies until today. We first gather fundamental information from monitored assets and assess the load before proceeding. Our analysis is based on collected data. Our consultancy firm in DUBAI, UAE can integrate different security solutions into your business ecosystem to offer a customised solution.


Companies in need of cybersecurity services can consult us. Get in touch with our service provider for cyber security services UAE.